in chicago
with Daria Okugawa

Teacher Training
in Chicago

Daria is the director and founder of the ATTiC, a three-year AmSAT certified program in Chicago. The program began in 2012 and continues on today. Daria is often assisted by local teachers including Clay Schaub, Eleni Pappageorge, and Lena Vidulich. Daria previously co-founded and directed a teacher’s certification program in Charlottesville, Virginia from 1987 through 2011.
This 1600-hour program follows all guidelines set forth by the American Society for the Alexander Technique. Students are accepted into the program at the beginning of each term when space is available. Contact Daria for information or an application.
• Creative approaches to the study of anatomy and physiology
• Development of awareness
• Understanding the psychological nature of change
• Cultivation of listening hands
• Learning to teach groups
• Individual projects
• Field trips
• Regular Private lessons
• Daily receiving and giving of hands-on work
• Study of developmental movement patterns
• Working with ordinary daily activity and performance
• Examination of Alexander's texts and other literature
• How to set up a practice
Yearly Tuition for 2023-2024 is $8,100 ($675 monthly on a 12 month plan)
Weekly Calendar:
Monday thru Thursday 8:00am to 11:30am
September through early June in Evanston, IL
If you are interested in Alexander Teacher Training and Certification in the Chicago area, please contact Daria at

Private Lessons
Private lessons are the most common way to study the Alexander Technique. This gentle, effective hands-on method of learning is an enjoyable way to resolve many issues resulting from misuse of the body. It is common to feel benefits within the first few lessons, but to build the skill to sustain these changes for years to come commonly requires taking a series of lessons over a 3-6 month time frame.
Packages: 50-minute lessons taken once or twice a week
20 Lessons over a six-month time frame: $100/session
10 Lessons over a three-month time frame: $115/session
Single individual lesson: $125
Lessons primarily focus on individual student needs and intentions. They often involve exploring everyday movements such as sitting, standing, bending, reaching, walking, speaking, performing, working at a desk, driving a car, playing an instrument, and examining ways to approach exercise, yoga postures, golf, tai chi, martial arts, etc.
If you are a performer, your lessons may include playing your instrument, working with small phrases of choreography, singing or for an actor/public speaker, speaking text.
Most lessons include time in the Constructive Rest position, which involves lying down on a table, so it is best to dress comfortably without restriction.
Studying the Alexander Technique is much like studying the guitar, tai chi or tennis. It requires a certain number of lessons to begin to play and if playing exquisitely becomes a desired goal, more lessons will become of interest to you.

Daria offers classes and workshops as another valuable and economic way to study the Alexander Technique. In this setting, the student can learn by watching the progress of other students, as well as receiving hands-on assistance themselves. The questions and dialogue that arise during group work can be very enlivening to the process of making changes in yourself. Please contact Daria for the current listing of available classes or workshops, fees and dates.
If you are interested in having Daria bring the Alexander Technique to a group, or have a small group of friends who might like to study together, please contact
Here are some workshop examples:
The Art of Sitting
What is a good chair? How can I sit without pain? Let’s explore. There is a way, whether at the computer or the wheel of a car.
Learning to Bend with Ease
Bending is becoming a lost art. A hundred times a day we need to bend: to pick things up, to get into a chair, etc. You will save much energy and discomfort by taking the time to learn how to bend with efficiency.
Using Alexander Principles to Deal with Stress
Do you ever find your body tensing as you react to something someone said or did? This tension is part of the fight or flight mechanism. If allowed to get the best of us, we may suffer unnecessarily. Enjoy the satisfaction of being able to remain at ease under duress!
Improving Your Voice
For shy speakers, public speakers and singers, our voice is our signature. Each person has individual nuances that are part of our expression. Freeing unnecessary tension opens us and lets our true natural and supported voice emerge so everyone can hear it.

Zoom Gentle Hatha Yoga
Join me for an hour of peaceful conscious movement to release blockages, increase elasticity, uncover natural coordination and balance, and return to center. Start the day with an open mind and body.
Ongoing: 2023-2024, Fridays from 9am to 10am Central time
Cost: $15 for drop-in or $12 per class when paid monthly
Zelle preferred
Any level welcome, get started this Friday!
For zoom link and passcode, contact: